Things I wrote. Some submitted to the Colorado Springs Gazette. Most rejected.

tr> tr>
APress Associated Press Counts Deaths by Gunfire
Bartolin Bartolin vs. Rivera
Bennet Senator Michael Bennet on Health Care
Gun_Salesman A picture that amused me.
jeep_traps Jeep Traps in Rockrimmon
Millennium On Cardinals, Ordinals, and Millennia
Paperless Paperless Finances
Question_2C Colorado Springs Issue 2C 2009
salary Salary calculator for high salary executives.
Fair Tax What's wrong with the "fair" sales tax
StrongMayor The Strong Mayor proposition for 2010
Stormwater Stormwater Taxes, they're gone!
WTC2 A picture that amused me.
QuotedPrintable Yahoo webmail creates bad line ends.