Doug's Designs
- Atmospheric hygrometer using absorption of ultraviolet radiation at
1216 angstroms. Ultraviolet photon counters using Geiger effect.
Design of UV light sources.
- Design of UV sensitive, halogen quenched geiger tubes for use in
sounding rockets to measure solar radiation. Telemetry of associated
- Cryogenically cooled telescope for sounding rockets using liquid
helium. Application to infrared astronomy program. Rocket-borne
cooled infrared spectrometer for auroral studies.
- Infrared detectors and associated low noise electronic amplification especially at very
low (2.7 Kelvin) temperatures. Optical modulation and phase sensitive detection both
analog and digital.
- Design and application of antennas for use at high aerodynamic speed.
Use of circular polarization and polarization diversity reception.
- Radar tracking of sounding rockets and satellites with and without
transponders. Processing and analysis of tracking data.
- Gyro systems for rocket attitude determination. Stabilization system
for a spinning rocket using pulse modulated gas jet. Theoretical
analysis of rocket motion as a semi-rigid body.
- Parachute recovery system with flotation for recovery of rocket
payloads at sea. Use of dye markers and radio and acoustic location
- Data processing for the HEAO satellite (X-ray astronomy program.).
- Design and installation of integrated radio systems in light aircraft
for special purposes including broadcast FM and encrypted voice
- Use of gyroscopically stabilized telescopes in high altitude aircraft
including C141 and Lear-24 operated by NASA.
- Design and fabrication of wideband and scanning radio receivers in the
0.3 to 60 MHz band for study of radiation from plasmas in planetary
atmospheres. Antennas and preamplifiers adapted for use in the
conducting environment of the ionosphere. Use of quadrature
down-conversion to allow study of instantaneous waveforms present
in plasma oscillations. Support of chemical release experiments in
the ionosphere.
- In-flight processing of plasma wave data using digital signal
processing techniques to accumulate spectra.
- Development of digital techniques to extend the applicability of
Langmuir probes in the ionospheric environment.
All contents Copyright © 1995, The MacNauchtan Lab All Rights Reserved.