I have been a MiniCAD user since it was produced by a small outfit in Columbia MD. In the early days it was a fairly general CAD program that was a real competitor to MacDraw. When Apple stopped supporting MacDraw in favor of ClarisCAD which was impossible I became a MiniCAD enthusiast. Now that MiniCAD has become VectorWorks and has seen its future profitablilty in the architectural area I am frustrated. Staying current means paying for a whole bunch of architecture stuff that I have no interest in. But. . . It's still pretty much the best available.
Over the years I have created a few MiniPascal scripts that I think are worthwhile. They seem to work in modern versions of Vectorworks even though I have not tried to keep it that way.
The links are:
Edit Symbol
Being honest, I don't remember why I posted this one.
Sine wave
This one is a procedure for placing a sine wave into a rectangular box that you have previously created. I use it when documenting electronic circuits that work with sines and cosines. I really dislike files that show semicircles instead of real sines. I have also done some fancier sine waves for a special user that produce DXF files with user-adjustable precision. Ask if you need something like that.
PlotFile text
PlotFile usage
These files are MiniCAD scripts that work much like the sine wave above but they take their data from tab separated data files that might be produced from an Excel worksheet..
Vector Functions
Vector Working
There was a time when Vectorworks had some problems with rotating the field of view displayed by a "camera". These files describe my effort to introduce real vector arithmetic into VectorWorks. There is discussion of cross and dot products and some MiniPascal software to make it all work. In the modern world it's probably better to use OpenGL routines in hardware on video boards.
Doug McNutt dmcnutt@macnauchtan.com,
Thu Feb 22 15:53:13 MST 2007